Dependable Electrical Repairs in York and Lancaster
When any part of your electrical system is not functioning appropriately, this is often a sign to take action. Electrical issues pose a safety and fire hazard to your home and family. It’s best to address a small problem with your electrical system before you risk a system breakdown.
Knob and tube wiring is usually a hazard because of the antiquated insulation on the wires and the lack of ground protection should a current fault happen. Also, some insurance companies won’t insure your homeowner’s policy if you have knob and tube wiring. Arnie’s Electric can replace all your knob and tube wiring too.
Arnie’s Electric will also patch, repair, and paint any drywall or plaster that would get compromised during any of your electrical repairs, rewires, or additions to your electrical services project.
Arnie’s Electric provides expert residential electric repairs performed by licensed electricians throughout the York, PA and Lancaster, PA areas.